Therapy to Explore Relationships, Family, Work, Life, & Everything In Between




Together we will develop

  • How to Identify Purpose

  • Coping Skills

  • Integrate the ‘Ugly’ / Shadow Parts

  • Embracing Radical Acceptance

  • Tap into your Higher Power

  • Maximize Your Potential

  • Ease Symptoms

  • Bring more Self Awareness

  • Identify Negative Self Talk

  • Build Self Confidence

  • Explore Existentialism

Special Interests

Anxiety & Depression

Never ending ‘what ifs’, intrusive thoughts, and a consistent worry that you cannot shake. A lingering sadness, heavy in weight, creating the smallest tasks complicated to finish and leaves one in a hopeless mood.

Anxiety and Depression symptoms can be debilitating and hold back the potential you are capable of. You are not lazy. Often we are confused of where the root of these symptoms come from. We will trace the roots and develop tailored coping skills that will help manage these difficult state of being..

‘Struggling’ Artists

What makes you an artist? Is it your passion, is it how much you have done, is it the consistent commitment?

Choosing to be an artist is usually no ones ‘choice’, it is a gut wrenching need, but it can also be incredibly taxing, intimidating, and overwhelming to fit in or get to where you want to be.

Let’s talk, explore your fears, dreams, remove the barriers, challenge what it means to be an artist and land on a reconnection to your art. We need your art in this world.

Chakra Psychology

Exploring the Chakras can provide a true holistic approach at addressing our symptoms. Using the 7 main chakras as a map, we can explore shadow work, relational dynamics, balance, and understand the levels of development of our consciousness that will lead to us being reunited with our Higher self.

Our Higher Self is the wise, calm, loving guide we have within. It strengthens our ability to reflect, embrace our positive characteristics and challenges us to examine our lower nature with kindness. We can live in alignment and live the best possible version of ourselves.

The Alcoholic Family System

In a family where there is substance abuse ,the main focus is usually on protecting, enabling, the user at all costs even if it is sacrificing your mental health. How does this individually impact each family member?

Common characteristics of children of alcoholics is isolation, approval-seeking, low self-esteem, fear of abandonment and fear of authority. We will focus on your healing surrounding this very difficult way of living. I want to hear you, understand you, and validate your experience.

CPTSD & Trauma

There can be this instinct to not want to complain, keep it to yourself, and too compare traumas to those who have it ‘worse’.

Identifying, talking about, and sharing your emotions about your experiences does not take away your empathy for others situations.

Your trauma is important and was a vital experience that has shaped parts of you, but it is not all of you.

When you’re ready, let’s talk about it.

Spirituality & Existentialism

Discovering your relationship to this world and processing what it means to be human can relieve control and existential anxiety.

It aims to uncover your worldview, help clarify and understand your values, beliefs and create a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves.

However you would like to articulate this ‘bigger than us’ as god, the unknown, higher self, the universe, can help increase positive emotions and lasting well being.


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